'No longer missing'

12 Dec, 2016

This is apropos a Business Recorder editorial "No longer missing' carried by the newspaper yesterday. The editorial argued, among other things, that "the India factor too impinges on the present approach to the problem. If for the sake of argument, the security establishment's view that the insurgency is supported by India is accepted, the counter logic suggests that if we put our house in order, that would cut the ground from under any foreign interference, including India's".
One must not lose sight of the fact that lack of job opportunities among the Baloch youth has contributed to Balochistan unrest in the past many years. The development of Gwadar port as part of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) must lead to generate as many employment opportunities to the Baloch as possible.
Last but not least, both provincial and federal governments seem to have abandoned the option of talks with disgruntled Baloch element due to a variety of reasons. This is not a wise approach to dealing with the situation.

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