Taliban tracts in South Waziristan threaten journalists

12 Dec, 2016

Pakistani Taliban militants have distributed pamphlets in parts of South Waziristan tribal region, issuing threats to the media persons in the area. The pamphlet again highlights the dangers to the lives of the tribal journalists and the freedom of expression in South Waziristan, the birthplace of the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.
At least four journalists have been killed only in South Waziristan while two in North Waziristan over the past several years. Several journalists have also been killed in other tribal regions in the line of their duties. Many have been forced to move to other cities.
"The media representatives in Wana, South Waziristan, are our target because of their false reports," reads the Taliban leaflet.
The Pashto-language statements, distributed in crowded Rustam Bazar of Wana, alleged that the correspondents are "preparing reports on the instructions by government officials."
The sad aspect of the tragedy is that the government and the local authorities have not investigated the murders of the tribal journalists.
"We, the Taliban, consider it amount to espionage," said the leaflet by the Tehrik-e-Taliban South Waziristan, Wana, said, adding the Taliban do not want
media persons in South Waziristan.
Local journalists in Wana said that the local political administration has also threatened the correspondents.
A senior official of the local political administration had told a tribal 'jirga' or council of elders that some local correspondents are "filing wrong reports."
The Taliban's pamphlet referred to a recent speech by the Assistant Political Agent, Niaz Muhammad Ahmadzai, to the tribal gathering in which he mentioned some journalists who according to him were not filing true reports.
Correspondents in Wana and other parts of South Waziristan have expressed serious concerns at the threats to them by the Taliban and the local administration.
Former president of the Wana Press Club, Shahzadeen Wazir, said that the local political administration would be held responsible if anything happens to journalists.
He urged the federal government and the Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa governor to take notice of the growing threats to the journalists at a time when efforts are underway to introduce reforms in the tribal regions.
A reforms report, which the National Assembly has already approved, is likely to be laid before the Senate later this month, ensures enhanced security for the media persons.

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