More effective steps needed to redress malnutrition issues

14 Dec, 2016

Agricultural scientists and experts have pointed out that plenty of food/high caloric intakes, dependence on impure and processed foods, environmental pollutions were posing serious disease threat to the people. Speakers also called for addressing the issue of malnutrition to ensure the nutrition security with the adoption of healthy lifestyle, food safety measures and food diversification. They were addressing a seminar on 'Research methods in nutrition', arranged by National Institute of Food Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Food Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad(UAF).
Dr Anwar-ul-Hassan Gilani said that changing lifestyle, junk food, unphysical activities, over-eating and obesity were the root cause of many diseases. He stressed upon the natural health which is the best maintained by lifestyle change, including physical exercise and mental relaxation; nutritional measures/dietary habits and functional and organic foods.
He said that the tangible steps were needed to address the issue at the national level.
Professor Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan said that the country was producing the surplus food for the people. But on the other hand, 40 percent of our women and children were malnourished. He said that lack of awareness, affordability issue, unhealthy lifestyle and other factors were provoking malnutrition in the country. He said that in the late ninetieth century, the region of subcontinent was facing famine and extreme hunger situation.
On the recommendations of Famine Commission, the canal system was developed that turned the barren land into fertile land. He said that on the recommendation of that commission, the Punjab Agricultural Education and Research Institute (now UAF) was established and now we have abundant food.
He showed his concern that the food inspectors and school nutritionist must be qualified in the relevant discipline. He said that now, manpower was being taken from other disciplines that are not skilled to meet the challenges. He called for diversification in food as our food depends over wheat.

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