Nawaz says change in mindset could eliminate extremism

14 Dec, 2016

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has asked the religious scholars to play their due role to change the mindset, who are promoting extremism in the country. "We have to re-establish the nexus of Islam and peace to regain our identity," the premier said this while addressing the International Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH) Conference in connection with Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi commemorating the birth of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), here on Monday.
"Unfortunately, we have developed prejudices in the religion and made it a symbol of fear instead of following it as model for peace and guidance," the premier said, adding: "During last three years, the government had dismantled the terrorists' havens to a great extent following the remarkable sacrifices by armed forces, civilians and the government's efforts."
Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousuf, Minister of State Pir Amin-ul-Hasnaat, President of the Presidency of Religious Affairs of Turkey Mehmet Gormez, State Minister of Maldives Ali Waheed, parliamentarians, delegates from 11 countries and religious leaders also attended the conference. Nawaz called upon the religious scholars to guide the state as well as society for establishing a modern Islamic state in the light of golden principles provided by Madina Charter.
He said the Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave humanity roadmap for success in the world and the life hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and later his companions always stood for truth and "now we have been entrusted with this responsibility," he said. The PM apprised the audience as how the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) established an Islamic state and signed 'Misaq-e-Madinah' (Madina Charter) that had been remembered as the first written Constitution binding the state and citizens to a code of conduct. He said the Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered a historic sermon in Mecca and gave the world a charter for human rights in which Prophet (PBUH). "Today after 1,400 years, the world was unanimous to recognise that constitution and charter of humanity was inevitable to run the state's affairs," he added.
The premier said the foremost fundamental of an Islamic society was the respect for humanity. "We need to assess ourselves against the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as whether we followed the State Constitution, respected the humanity, developed justice-based society and established ties with other faiths under Madina Charter."
Federal Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Sardar Yousuf, in his address on the occasion said the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is "Rahmatul Lil Alameen" mercy for the entire world. He said, "Preaching of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is for the entire humanity and all of us should play our role for establishing peace."
Turkey's Religious Affairs President Professor Dr Mehmet Gormez said on the occasion that Pakistan and Turkey were not only friends but those countries were twin brothers. He also offered condolence over the loss of precious human lives in the plane crash. He highlighted poetry of Dr Allama Iqbal which emphasised on the Muslims to follow the golden teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to achieve success in the world and hereafter.
Minister of State for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony Pir Muhammad Aminul Hasnat Shah, on this occasion, read out communiqué which stressed respect of religious leaders and worship places while religious leaders should avoid giving provoking statements and writings; religious controversies and differences should be resolved through dialogues; religious persons of all religions should visit the worship places of each other for religious, cultural and social harmony; and such syllabus should be prepared from the books of all religions which could help in establishing peaceful society.

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