'Faisalabad to be introduced as safe, reliable export destination'

14 Dec, 2016

The ultimate objective of FCCI trade delegations is to enhance Pakistani export in addition to introducing Faisalabad as a safe and reliable export destination of the world, said Engineer Muhammad Saeed Sheikh President FCCI. He was addressing a function arranged to say farewell to 27 members trade delegation to America.
He said that the trade is a sacred ritual practiced by Holy Prophet (PBUH) and those who are proceeding to a foreign tour are actually following the foot prints of Holy Prophet (PBUH). He said that the travelling is also a parameter to judge the personal behaviour of various persons and hence we should display utmost patience during this journey.
Continuing, Engineer Saeed Sheikh said that we should also follow the teaching of Holy Prophet (PBUH) to earn the blessings of Allah Almighty in this and the world hereafter. He urged upon the young delegates to lead the "leaders" as they are more dynamic and energetic. They should learn the travelling techniques by getting hotel booking and making arrangement for their travel within the America. He said that this visit will also help them to understand the international trends in business and trade. However, we should make collective efforts to make this visit productive and result oriented.
SVP Rana Sikandar Azam said that it is the tradition of FCCI to see off such delegates in a befitting manner and we are following this tradition. He said that the stereotypes speeches that the delegates are ambassadors of Pakistan during these foreign tours have become obsolete.
However this delegation to America is very important in the sense that newly elected US president Trump is going to take over the charge of the new American administration. He asked the delegates to fully concentrate on the promotion of their exports in addition to establishing long lasting relations with American importers. He hoped that the positive attitude of our delegates will force Trump to shun hostilities against Pakistan and switch over to pro Pakistani policies.
VP Ahmed Hassan said that the foreign tours are important in the sense that these provide delegates to interact with foreigners and broaden their vision. He said that the delegates are lucky that they are visiting a country that is technologically highly advanced and will definitely inspire the youth to set and achieve new goals for themselves. He also appreciated the excellent arrangement made for the FCCI delegates by the Secretariat.
Chaudhry Nawaz former president congratulated the delegates and said that it is the one of largest delegation ever arranged by FCCI. He said that the delegates should follow the scheduled programme to get maximum benefit out of it. Secretary General Abid Masood also expressed good wishes for the delegates on behalf of the FCCI secretariat and said that they should make their best efforts to enhance direct export from Faisalabad in addition to improving the overall image of Pakistan. The other executive members also addressed the function while the delegates also briefly introduce themselves. Later Haji Talib Hussain prayed for the success of this tour.

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