Uber fires back at California DMV in self-driving car spat

18 Dec, 2016

Uber Technolgies Inc on Friday again defied a demand by California regulators that the ride-services firm apply for a permit to test self-driving cars, setting up a possible legal battle. Uber said its self-driving cars, unveiled to the public on Wednesday, would remain on the road, and reiterated its defiance of an order from the California Department of Motor Vehicles to "cease" operations.
"We respectfully disagree with the California Department of Motor Vehicles legal interpretation of today's autonomous regulations," Anthony Levandowski, vice president of Uber's Advanced Technologies Group, said on a call with reporters. The California Attorney General added a warning on Friday, sending Uber a letter requesting it "immediately remove its 'self-driving' vehicles from the state's roadways" until the company complies with regulations. If not, the Attorney General will seek injunctive relief, the letter said. Uber argues that its self-driving cars - despite their name - are not capable of driving 'without ... active physical control or monitoring,' as California law defines autonomous vehicles, and so do not have to meet state regulations.

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