Message from Ambassador of Pakistan to Japan

23 Dec, 2016

On the auspicious occasion of His Majesty the Emperor's Birthday, I wish to express my profound greetings to the Imperial Family and the people of Japan. Under the able and accomplished guidance of His Majesty, Japan continues to progress with brilliant pace alongwith its commitment to strengthen civilizational harmony and peace.
Pakistan and Japan share a historical friendship emphatically marked with mutual trust, dignity and utmost esteem. Since the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations in 1952, Japan has immensely contributed towards developmental progress of Pakistan. Japanese socio-economic and infrastructure projects in Pakistan have surely contributed very significantly towards improvement in the quality of life of Pakistani citizens. We earnestly desire to further strengthen this legacy. Pakistan and Japan also share their sincere commitment to regional and International peace and tranquility. Japan has always appreciated Pakistan's concrete and meaningful endeavours to promote peace. We remain optimistic that Japan will embrace Honourable Prime Minister of Pakistan's strategy of 'Peaceful Neighbourhood.' In Pakistan, Japan remains a country respected for its balanced and world view of peace. The mutual desire for attaining sustainable peace was also manifested during the visit of Honourable' The First Lady, Madam Akie Abe who during her unprecedented visit to Embassy of Pakistan Tokyo, highlighted the vital principles of unity, interfaith tolerance and peace as also enunciated by Pakistan's Founding Father, The Quaid-e-Azam.
The Government and people of Pakistan highly revere and value their friendship with the friendly people of Japan. This friendship grows stronger as is evident from mutual support that is extended from both sides during times of natural disasters.
I, as Ambassador of Pakistan to Japan continue in my endeavours to further strengthen relations between our two friendly countries through trade, technology transfer, human resource development, art, academia and many other fields so that people in Japan can see the 'True Image' of Pakistan and Pakistan can see the 'True Image' of Japan. I earnestly pray for Their Majesties' health and long life. Long live Pakistan- Japan friendship.

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