Polish 'sit-in' opposition to spend Christmas in parliament

24 Dec, 2016

Polish opposition lawmakers said Friday they would continue to occupy parliament through Christmas and New Year's in protest against what they called the government's anti-democratic actions. "It's a symbolic and sad protest, a first for Poland's parliament," Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus, a lawmaker from the liberal Nowoczesna opposition party, told AFP.
"We plan to stay until at least January 11, when there's a new session of parliament scheduled," added Marcin Kierwinski, a lawmaker from the centrist Civic Platform (PO) opposition party. The lawmakers launched their sit-in last week, while thousands of demonstrators marched outside, after the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party announced plans to restrict journalists' right to cover legislative proceedings. Parliament then held a vote on next year's budget in another part of the building because of the opposition take-over of the main chamber.

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