APCAA urges FBR to shift Afghan cargo, containers from terminals

10 Jan, 2017

All Pakistan Customs Agents Association (APCAA) on Monday urged the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to shift Afghan cargo, auction containers and others from terminals, which had been placed there for over three months, in order to avoid port congestion.
According to Arshad Jamal SVC APCAA, although the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was in progress and new terminal with modern technology had also started its operation, the board had so far not drafted any concrete policy to streamline future operations. He said the only solution was to shift Afghan cargo, auction containers and others from terminals in order to avoid port congestion. He said that terminals were not responsible for delays in examination and delivery. It happened due to negligence & poor policies of customs department. He further added that board should increase the number of customs examination and assessment staff at all collectorates, terminals and off dock terminals.

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