PARTLY FACETIOUS: Imran too frequently visits London

20 Jan, 2017

"Why don't we learn to apply the same principles on others as we would they apply unto us?" "Are you crazy? Your choice of words is reminiscent of the Biblical exhortation which is do unto others what you would have others do unto you. We are Muslims and..."
"Are you being facetious?"
"No, besides Christianity in our minds is associated with Western decadent..."
"Your Prime Minister loves to go to the West be it on his own or the taxpayers' expense, your former President stays in the West whenever his party is not in power in the Centre, the chief of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf frequently visits London as his children are British nationals and a former party chief has been in London for more than two decades and..."
"Hey, we are not smartphones where location matters, we are Muslims and belief alone matters."
"Alright, but can I simply clarify what I meant by learning to apply the same principles on ourselves as we apply onto others?"
"I know where this is going and so no."
"Where is it going?"
"If you are a Zardi then you will lament the judicial murder of Z A Bhutto and dismissal of a prime minister by the court, if you are an NT namely Nawala of Today..."
"Nawala of Today?"
"Well, Nawalas do change their loyalties a lot but in this context I mean they have to change their tune as this is the first time the First Family is under fire... you know Surreygate pales into insignificance compared to Panamagate."
"Indeed, but my point was Zardis and Nawalas both hold current heads of institutions responsible for their predecessors for example the storming of the Supreme Court by the Nawalas, and the current verbal bashing of the judiciary and the Chief of Army Staff and ISI head bashing whenever Dawngates is mentioned. I ask them what about their own past actions? The storming of the Supreme Court, the financial scams of the PPP that led to nothing, the..."
"You know what the moral of all this is?"
"I wasn't aware there is a moral in sight."
"Ah, but there is my friend, and the moral is: a gate trumps all."
"Gate as in Bill Gates and trump as in Donald Trump or do you mean the First Daughter Ivanka Trump?"
"No, a gate as in MHHgate."
"Maryam, Hussain and Hassan Gate - they made millions and unlike the millionaires of the dotcom era who became overnight millionaires they made it through industry and real estate transactions and..."
"I give up."

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