Another Ottoman endgame?

21 Jan, 2017

Is Turkey witnessing the repeat of Ottoman endgame? The enemy or enemies of the present-day Turkey are more menacing and atrocious than the then tsarist Russia and the British Empire. Many independent analysts are of the view that the growing incidents of terrorism in Turkey are a blowback from the civil war in neighbouring Syria - like Pakistan has been confronting from the war in Afghanistan.
This may be a legitimate comparison to an extent. But many often lose sight of the fact that while Turkey is the successor state of the Ottoman Empire the area that constitute Pakistan were under the rule of colonial power, the British Empire. So there cannot be exact or near exact parallels. The threat of Islamic State is only an aberration insofar as Turkey's strategic, economic and political interests are concerned. In short, Turkey is not pitted only against Daesh or IS; it is facing the overt and covert hostility of many countries in the region and beyond.

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