Soros says uncertainty over Trump will cause markets to falter

22 Jan, 2017

The billionaire investor George Soros on Thursday said that global markets will falter given the uncertainty of incoming US President Donald Trump's policies. "Right now uncertainty is at the peak, and actually uncertainty is the enemy of long-term investment, so I don't think the markets are going to do very well," Soros told Bloomberg News at his annual media dinner held at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Stocks in the United States shot up after Trump's November 8 election victory, which also gave his Republican party control over Congress. Trump takes office on Friday.
"Markets see Trump dismantling regulations and reducing taxes, and that has been the dream," said Soros. "The dream has come true."
But Trump has called for border taxes and withdrawing from his predecessor's Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, among other policies that have unclear ramifications for US growth, Soros said.
"It's impossible to predict exactly how Trump is going to act," he said.
Soros, who founded Soros Fund Management LLC and now is chairman of the New York-based firm, was a large contributor to the super PAC backing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and had donated to other groups supporting Democrats.
Overall, Soros said about the president-elect: "I personally am convinced that he is going to fail. Not because of people like me who would like him to fail. But because his ideas that guide him are inherently self-contradictory and the contradictions are actually already embodied by his advisers ... and his cabinet."

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