Patients in agony over drugs shortage

24 Jan, 2017

The patients across the country were in real agony as a number of life saving drugs were either not available or were short in supply. It had been learnt that medicines of nine different categories were not available in the market causing manifold complications for the patients. The drugs which were not available in heart disease plus stroke categories included Verapamil injections, Isoptin, Diamox and Warfarin (1mg). The drugs of Rimactal, Lederrif, Myambutol and Rimstar drugs for Tuberculosis were also not available in the market.
Similarly, the vaccines that were unavailable included Varivac, Infanrix Hexa, Havrix, and Priorix. Birth-related drugs and hormones that were unavailable include Proluton Depot injections and Profasi injections. Also, Epivite, which was nutritional supplement, was not available in the market and folic acids and steroids were also unavailable.
The drugs used in the treatment of infections like fungal, viral, bacterial etc were also not available. The unavailable drugs in this category were: Cyclose syrup, Cofcol tablets, Benylin E syrup, Benylin DM syrup, Flagyl 200mg, Gaviscon tablets and Nizoral tablets.
Moreover, in the category of Neuro and Muscular diseases, the drugs that were not available included Iodex, Feldene, Dilantin, Papaverine, Ritalin, Codogesic, Napadoc, Topamax, NeuroAID, Di-hydan, Optalidon tablets, dorphomine, Migram, and Notcamid tablets.
The drugs that were unavailable in skin diseases/anti allergy included Clariderm, Retin-A, Grisovin tablets, Minoderm 100mg tablets, Avil injection and Deufilm gel.
Anti-depressant, anti-anxiety/pain relief drugs that were not available in the market included Risperdal, Zilnox 10mg, Stilnox, Nalbin injections, pain ease injection and Gelusil.
"This is very serious situation that could lead to a major health disaster in the country, where patients are the ultimate sufferers," said professor of pharmacology, Osama Siddiqui. He said this situation seriously needs government interference. When companies were contacted, they stated that they were not getting profits on making of these drugs, hence, the production was halted.
"The government is not paying heed to the issues they are facing and continuously ignoring them. This is dangerous for patients as they are left in lurch with no support from the concerned authorities," he reasoned.
A healthcare professional, Dr Imran Hashmi, expressed grave concern on tussle between the government and industry. Due to this tug of war, patients are the ultimate sufferers. "The government is showing non-serious attitude towards resolving issues creating severe shortage of drugs," he added.

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