Ahsan inaugurates SDG Support Unit

11 Feb, 2017

Federal Minister Ahsan Iqbal urged all development partners to use SDGs agencies to synergize and co-ordinate their efforts to support Pakistan in achieving SDGs. Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform Ahsan Iqbal inaugurated SDG Support Unit at P-Block, Pakistan Secretariat. Neil Buhne, United Nations Resident Co-ordinator, representatives of federal, provincial and districts governments, representative of UN Agencies and international Development Partners, representatives of academia and civil society were also present.
Minister expressed satisfaction over the efforts made so far in regards to incorporation of SDGs in Pakistan. Minister said that Pakistan is considered as one of the early adopters of SDGs and has been cited as an early adopter in a number of UN publications. He said that it was a personal privilege that UNDP designated me SDG Champion Minister for Asia Pacific.
Ahsan Iqbal maintained that the seven pillars of Vision-2025 are fully aligned with the SDGs. The minister said that the Vision-2025 provides a comprehensive long-term strategy for achieving inclusive growth and sustainable development. This agenda is central to UN as well as Pakistan as SDGs are core of Vision 2025.
Minister said that the National Assembly of Pakistan passed a unanimous resolution to adopt the 2030 Agenda and SDGs as the national development agenda in February 2016. Minister expressed his delight on the occasion of inauguration of SDG Unit at the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform. Minister stated today's event as a testimony of Pakistan's commitment towards SDG. He maintained that we have already established SDG units in Punjab and Sindh, and we are at an advanced stage in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces and the regions (AJK, GB, and FATA).
Minister said that growth alone does not lead to development therefore we have to be inclusive. Everyone at every level is entitled to play its part. He said that the real challenge has begun as the implementation process is starting. He further added that there is a need to strengthen co-ordination. He highlighted that government is spending Rs 35 billion on implementation of SDG agenda from federal budget. Local governments will be taken on the board to make them active partner, Minister said. Minister said that the status and progress of the SDGs Units is discussed regularly at inter-provincial Planning Minister meeting.-PR

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