Partly Facetious: There are so many strikes these days

16 Feb, 2017

"We need a National Strike Breaking Strategy."
"You know we have had democratically elected governments and we have dictator-led governments but all bow down to organised strikes. I mean just consider the strikes ongoing at any one time: you have the nurses' strike, you have the chemists' strike, you have young doctors' strike, you have strike by shopkeepers against a tax, you have strike by..."
"I get the picture, but just as an aside were you being facetious when you referred to dictator-led governments?"
"Well it's true, isn't it! The numbers who dump their dictator-led parties when a dictator rules the roost in the country..."
"I agree with you, anyway there have been some good policies and some bad policies and all our administrations talk about taking all stakeholders on board with policies which lead to compromises and not good would be better to come up with a strategy that would break a strike."
"Well, take the chemists strike - now instead of beginning to implement it the government should either have had sufficient stores stocking medicines, and the government could do that through the Utility Stores, or in the case of the nurses the better option would have been to hire student nurses, and this needs to be done before the policy announcement."
"What about lawyers slapping members of the judiciary and..."
"That's political... I mean I doubt if the Panama-led party would alienate lawyers at this moment in time - they may need them..."
"What's this! I mean your obsession with leadership."
"I don't understand."
"Dictator-led, Panama-led..."
"Ah that is to bring it home to low IQ people like you that without the leader there is nothing...oblivion, and before you begin to debate that let me tell you that as this conversation is being led by me I will not listen to another word on the subject."
"Shut up, and don't you dare put up."

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