Partly Facetious: Building walls

18 Feb, 2017

"I am devastated - so many, many terror attacks all of a sudden."
"Any reasons being cited?"
"Yes, the Foreign Office has accused Afghanistan for providing sanctuaries to the terrorists and I have a solution to this: build a wall across our border with Afghanistan".
"I see you are enamoured of President Trump."
"Actually, Israel built the first wall separating the Jewish people from the Palestinian Arabs and..."
"Your general knowledge is appalling. To the best of my knowledge, China built the Great Wall. And for your information, first time around, a wall was built by Qin Shi Huang, China's first emperor, as early as in 220-206 BC though little of that wall remains. Since then, the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced; the majority of the existing wall is from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)".
"OK, but these walls could easily be destroyed by modern man if you know what I mean as they were built of stone and mortar... the Israelis however built a formidable wall with modern indestructible material but found out that where there is a wall there are tunnels."
"True and don't forget Musharraf did come up with the idea of building a wall along our Afghan border and Obama administration shot it down."
"Indeed and do you see Obama taking any decisions these days other than to take his dog out for a walk? Do you see the Trump administration opposing the construction of a wall in our part of the world when he intends to build a wall along the Mexican border and..."
"Well, one doesn't quite know what Trump would say or do - his unpredictability is his hallmark."
"Right, anyway our local pundits are saying that the recent massive escalation of terror attacks do not reflect the failure of the operation Zarb-e-Azb but rather the existence of sleeper cells and it is the responsibility of the civilians to get rid of sleeper cells."
"I disagree - our civilians wake up and respond only when they are hit - look at the Panama papers, till the case began to be heard in the supreme court the government was in the sleep mode and now..."
"But we are being hit so why are they still asleep?"
"The administration can focus only on one thing at a time - Railway accidents, sleeper cells would come after the court decision on Panama papers and that too if it favours the government..."
"Don't be facetious."

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