Message from Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

02 Mar, 2017

On behalf of my Government and the People of Pakistan and on my own behalf, I would like to welcome all our honourable guests to Pakistan. We look forward to hosting a result oriented 13th ECO Summit meeting here in Islamabad. Since its inception, ECO has made steady progress. Over the years, it has developed a strong framework of co-operation with an increasing scope of activities.
The ECO region has immense potential for the social and economic development of our countries. Our Organisation must continue to use the existing opportunities in order to further strengthen and expand regional economic co-operation for the benefit and prosperity of our member countries and people.
The theme of the 13th Summit is Connectivity for Regional Prosperity which is core area of co-operation in this Organisation. This is an opportunity for all of us to reaffirm our commitment and lend our full support to this important organisation of this region.
Pakistan is honoured to assume the Chairmanship of this august organisation for the next two years. I assure ECO member states of our fullest support and co-operation in implementing existing projects and developing new initiatives.

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