Message from President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

02 Mar, 2017

The Economic Co-operation Organisation (ECO) is one of the oldest and most important regional forums, with unique geo-strategic location Europe to China and Russia and Central Asia to South Asia and the Middle East. ECO's core objective to achieve collective economic prosperity and sustainable economic growth for all through regional connectivity and economic co-operation falls within Afghanistan's regional policies and endeavours.
The Heart of Asia (Istanbul Process) and the RECCA are two Afghan-led regional initiatives, which are enhancing regional connectivity and trust. However, despite our region's endowment with significant economic power, vast natural resources, dynamic work force and huge development potentials that could have been harnessed in the interest of all our nations, our region's share in the global market continue to be insignificant and poverty and vulnerability increasingly prevalent. Many of our challenges are shared and require collective actions. In order to unlock our individual potential, we need to reshape our policies that promote peace, stability and trust as core objectives. In addition they should be aimed to remove existing barriers to trade, transit and greater connectivity and develop our capacities and physical infrastructure.

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