Niger declares emergency in areas flanking restive Mali

05 Mar, 2017

Niger on Friday declared a state of emergency in several western areas flanking Mali after a spate of deadly attacks blamed on jihadists from its restive neighbour. A government statement read on state television said a state of emergency would be enforced in seven departments of the regions of Tillaberi and Tahoua. Security forces would now be granted additional powers including the right to search homes at any time, it said.
The statement said repeated attacks in these areas "have endangered the security of the peaceful population and public order." The zones affected are "Ouallam, Ayorou, Bankilare, Abala and Banibangou in Tillaberi and Tassara and Tilia in Tahoua". Tillaberi and Tahoua have witnessed several deadly attacks on army posts and refugee camps, blamed by authorities on Malian jibadists linked to the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) group. These include a late February attack in Ouallam which killed 16 soldiers and wounded 18. And in October, 22 soldiers died in Tahoua during a daring assault on a refugee camp.

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