Naval chief calls on US officials

16 Mar, 2017

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah is on an official visit to USA. During the visit, the Naval Chief called on Senator Chris Van Hollen, Acting US Secretary Navy, Sean Stackley and President United States Naval War College, Rear Admiral Jeffrey A Harley. Later, he also addressed the students/course participants of US Naval War College.
During the meetings with Senator Chris Van Hollen and Acting US Secretary Navy, Sean Stackley, matters of mutual interest were discussed. The Admiral highlighted Pakistan's commitment and performance in fight against terrorism including participation in Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan (CMCP) and Counter Piracy Operations as well as Command of multinational Task Forces 150 and 151. The dignitaries highly appreciated the role and contributions of Pakistan Navy in maintaining peace and stability in the region.
During the meeting with Admiral Jeffrey A Harley, the Naval Chief dilated upon matters of mutual interest and bilateral naval collaboration. Admiral Zakaullah reiterated the need for enhancing global efforts to effectively confront the common challenges and threats within the maritime domain.
Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah also cited recent conduct of Multinational Naval Exercise AMAN-17 by Pakistan Navy at Karachi, wherein more than 37 countries including US participated to join hands for a common resolve of 'Together for Peace'. The President US Naval War College highly appreciated Pakistan Navy's role in maintaining peace and order in the region as well as professional competence displayed by the Pakistan Navy during Commands of Combined Task Forces 150 & 151. Later, Admiral Zakaullah addressed the course participants at US Naval War College. It is expected that recent visit of the Naval Chief will enhance and expand collaboration between both the Navies.-PR

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