Civil society voices concern over filthy water supply

24 Mar, 2017

Civil society activists from Hala, Saeedabad and Matiari talukas expressed deep concern over alarming increase in the volume of hepatitis cases in the district due to unsafe drinking water. The polluted water has a detrimental impact on the health of common man. There is an urgent need to address this issue with specific attention and resource allocation to develop filtered water supply system in the village's as well as urban towns of the district on priority basis.
Discussion held by Sindh Community Foundation and Villages Improvement Social Welfare Association in cooperation with UNDP Pakistan on the district level. The discussion was facilitated by Zulfiqar Halepoto - a social activist and an intellectual and Javed Soz of Sindh Community Foundation. Participants said the underground water is becoming brackish, there is need to address this issue on urgent basis through accessible public water supply. The Waste of small towns is being dumped in Indus River. There is no mechanism in place for waste management to save natural resources.
Zulfiqar Halepoto was of the view that political commitment is required to implement SDG at local level considering protection of the rights of people as core value. He further added that there is need to create more awareness and understanding among the government officials on SDGs to localize targets at district level. Javed Soz said that people's participation in policy and program designing process is not ensured which is why there is a huge gap in planning and implementation. He said that there is need to put people's concerns in planning and budget development process at district level to focus on the local problems.
Participants demanded setting up a commission to ensure availability of the clean water and check dumping waste in fresh water in the area. They also demanded the increase in budget and putting in place a strong mechanism to oversee rural health units.

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