Slight changes were seen on the money market on Friday as the rupee moved in a tight range against the dollar on the money market in the process of trading, dealers said. The rupee inched up by two paisas versus the dollar for buying and selling at Rs 104.82 and Rs 104.84 respectively, they said.
The rupee appreciated by 50 paisas in relation to the euro for buying and selling at Rs 112.80 and Rs 114.30 respectively, they said. In the final Asian trade, the euro held steady below a three-week high against the dollar, as investors awaited this weekend's first round of voting in France's presidential election.
The euro was flat at $1.0718, after having risen to as high as $1.0778 on Thursday, its strongest since late March. Security concerns have taken centre stage in the run up to Sunday's vote. A French policeman was shot dead and two others were wounded in central Paris on Thursday night in an attack claimed by the Islamic State militant group.
Polls have forecast that the most likely outcome of Sunday's first round of voting is centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right candidate Marine Le Pen-who wants to take France out of the European Union-facing off in the May 7 second round.
Should Macron rank first or second in Sunday's election, he is seen easily winning the runoff vote on May 7. Masafumi Yamamoto, chief currency strategist for Mizuho Securities in Tokyo expected limited action in the euro ahead of the vote, with traders largely just adjusting positions. The size of the vote for Le Pen could be key to the euro's performance when markets reopen after the vote. The dollar was trading against the Indian rupee at Rs 64.580, the greenback was at 4.393 in terms of the Malaysian ringgit and the US currency was at 6.879 versus the Chinese yuan.
Open Bid Rs.106.00
Open Offer Rs.106.20
Bid Rate Rs.104.82
Offer Rate Rs.104.84
The local currency dealers said that the US dollar resumed trading on a positive note amidst fresh buyers' interest in the market.
At the close, it rose to Rs 106.00 and Rs 106.35 on buying and selling sides, respectively, as compared to the overnight closing rates of Rs 105.80 and Rs 106.20 respectively, they added.
On the contrary, the national currency showed strength as it recovered its earlier losses versus the pound sterling.
The pound' buying and selling rates slid from Wednesday's closing rates of Rs 134.70 and Rs 135.70 to Rs 134.60 and Rs 135.50 respectively, they said.
The dollar opened at Rs 106.25 (buying) and Rs 106.35 (selling) against. Pound Sterling opened at Rs 130 (buying) and Rs 131.50 (selling). It closed at the same rate.