Habib Metropolitan Bank has posted Rs 1.288 billion as profit after tax in the quarter ended March 31, 2017 as compared to Rs 1.659 billion earned in the corresponding period in 2016. The board of directors of the bank in its meeting declared that the bank's earning per share stood at Rs 1.23 in the period under review against Rs 1.58 in the same period last year.
According to the financial results, the bank's mark-up/return/interest earning stood at Rs 7.892 billion in this quarter against Rs 8.196 billion in the same quarter last year while mark-up/return/interest expenses decreased to Rs 4.495 billion against Rs 5.317 billion.
The bank's total non-mark-up/interest income stood at Rs 1.304 billion in this quarter against Rs 2.204 billion in the same quarter last year while the bank's total non-mark-up/interest expenses increased to Rs 2.460 billion against Rs 2.110 billion. The bank's profit before taxation stood at Rs 1.992 billion in this quarter against Rs 2.554 billion in the same quarter last year.