Tax authorities Friday highly appreciated the performance of Khawaja Tanveer Ahmad, Director General, Directorate General of Intelligence and Investigation (IR) for taking major actions against tax evaders, tax dodgers, money launders, powerful sectors and persons/companies involved in concealment of income.
This has been stated by FBR Chairman Dr Muhammad Irshad while inaugurating the 'Complaint Management System' at the FBR House. The performance of Directorate General, Directorate General of Intelligence and Investigation came to the limelight after inauguration of the 'Complaint Management System'.
The copies of annual report for the year 2016 by the Directorate General of Intelligence & Investigation Inland Revenue were distributed among the participants highlighting performance of the said agency. The FBR Chairman said that after assuming charge by Khawaja Tanveer Ahmad as Director General, Directorate General of Intelligence and Investigation (IR), the actions against the tax evaders have been intensified and the journey of months has been covered in a very short span of time.
The FBR Chairman also referred to the Annual Report (2016) of Directorate General of Intelligence & Investigation Inland Revenue, highlighting remarkable performance of the agency during 2016 which prevented revenue leakage. According to the annul report of the Directorate General of Intelligence and Investigation - Inland Revenue, the agency works in the light of well devised functional strategy. The Directorates under the Director General office select cases of the persons having highest net worth from each district under their territorial jurisdiction for investigation in addition to the cases selected on the basis of intelligence information/complaints. Red alerts in cases of suspicious refunds of sales tax, income tax, and FED are issued to the CCIRs. The Directorates mainly focus on sectors including real estate, property developers, sugar, fertiliser, ghee/vegetable oil, commercial importers, wholesalers & distributors, steel, soap, chemicals, cosmetics, tobacco, educational institutions, hospitals, services, and paper & paper board. In addition to monitoring the movement of non taxable goods external liaison is established with the authorities where movement of non tax and non duty paid goods is likely. Criminal cases are registered for tax fraud and money laundering. Safe custody and proper utilisation of the third party information is ensured in a fool proof manner. Proper data is developed and maintained by the Headquarter of all inquiries initiated and completed. The Directorates vehemently and efficiently monitor proper finalisation of the cases initiated by the concerned RTOs/LTUs and any deviant behaviour is viewed seriously.
In many cases of tax evasion at the Directorate General I&I-IR, the taxpayers, after they are confronted by I&I-IR with findings and facts establishing their tax evasion, voluntarily agree on revising their returns prior to adjudication and deposit the evaded amounts of taxes. This helps to secure significant revenue of national exchequer in many cases, which otherwise is prone to get stuck in prolonged litigation.
Already, a huge number of cases in almost every directorate of I&I-IR are sub-judice and under litigation at different legal forums, especially at Superior Courts. It is pertinent to mention that Income Tax law provides for voluntary settlement of tax dues before civil proceedings are initiated, as per section 114(6A). Due to sound legality and professional approach to financial investigations, it has become the hallmark of Directorate General I&I-IR that many taxpayers choose to voluntarily settle their cases here and deposit due taxes instead of preferring options of going to litigation, the report added.