Pakistan Rangers Sindh targeted raid Monday night killed four terrorists of banned outfit Jindullah. Terrorists killed include Zahid Afridi, Faheem Hameed, Muhammad Hafeez Ullah Quettawal, Mama and a lady facilitator Afshan, says ISPR press release.
They were involved in terrorist activities which include a remote control blast on Special Security Unit bus on 15 March, 2015 resulted into martyrdom of two policemen and injuries to 15 persons. Hand grenade attack and firing on Karachi City Court for escaping of 4 terrorists. Killing of 15 to 20 Shia community people in 2013.
Attack on Rangers mobile at Masjid Abu Huraira, resulted martyrdom of 4 Rangers soldiers.Bank dacoity of 5.2 million at Summit Bank Nazimabad on 30 November 2011. Bank dacoity of 5.6 million and killing of 2 persons at Muslim Commercial Bank Maripur on 14th November 2008. Kidnapping for ransom of ANP worker Ajab Khan on August 2014; after paying 10.5 million he was released and digging of Karachi Central Jail and planning of attack on 2015.-PR