Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has said that interior ministry would issue a formal notification of Dawn Leaks strictly in accordance with inquiry committee's recommendations. He was addressing a news conference at Governor House Sindh here on Saturday. "Unnecessary noise is surrounding the directives issued by the PM's Office," he said, adding that a formal notification has yet to be issued in this regard.
He further said the final notification would be issued by his ministry as per recommendations made by the inquiry committee. "We haven't issued it [a notification] yet," Nisar said, adding that interior ministry would issue a formal notification in this regard. "The PM's Secretariat or the PM's Office needs to read the rules of business: they cannot issue notifications. The 'notification' that is being circulated is actually addressed to the Ministry of Interior is in lieu of the briefing I have given to the prime minister [regarding the committee's recommendations]."
"The [final] notification has yet to be issued by the ministry of interior, and it will be in line with the recommendations we have received from the [inquiry] committee," he said. "My statement from day before yesterday is on record where I said the PM has accepted the committee's recommendations as they are and has advised the Interior Ministry to act accordingly," Nisar added. Chaudhry Nisar said that his ministry has improved the system in NADRA and passport offices. He said he has extended the validity of passport from five years to 10 years. He said a mega Nadra centre would be inaugurated in Karachi next month.