Sufis messages: Speakers for structural changes, propagation to counter terrorism

12 Jul, 2017

Speakers at a seminar have stressed the need for extracting the spirit and essence of mystic thought, by integrating it to the contemporary socio-political concept to transform the society.
They said that they needed to bring structural changes in Sindh and Pakistan to counter the growing menace of terrorism and extremism adding that there was a visible and wide disconnect between such philosophies of paramount importance and the thought-patterns of youth in the country whereas the seminar had filled the gap.
This they said while addressing the seminar titled "Tasawuf- historical background and conceptual foundation" held at Institute of Sindhology, University of Sindh Jamshoro here on Tuesday. Sindh University Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Fateh Muhammad Burfat presided over the seminar.
Addressing on the occasion, the keynote speaker intellectual, author, columnist and social activist Jami Chandio said that as its name suggested, Tasawuf had its roots in Islam, however it had existed for infinite time in form of spiritual practice across the world. "Sufism is a vague idea. It is so fine, so refined. It is a way of life that tells the purpose of creation with peaceful coexistence for all," said Jami Chandio. He said that Sufism started at 8th century and initially it emerged in Baghdad, Iran and later in Hindustan (Sub-Continent).
Tracing the history of Tasauf, he quoted the philosophies of Mansoor Bin Hilaj, Shablay, Rabia Basri, Hassan Basri, Junaid Baghdadi, Ibn e Arabi, Maruf al Farqi, Ba'yazeed Shatami, Imam Ghazali, Baba Fareed Shakar Ganj, Moeenuddin Chishti, Khowaja Nizauddin Auliah, Ali Bin Usman Hajveri, Qalander Lal Shahbaz, Khawaja Ghulam Fareed, Warish Shah, Bulhay Shah, Sachal Sarmast, Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai and other Sufis of the world. "Tasauf means staying away from the world while secularism means stay connected with the world." he said.
In reply to a question, he said there was a lot of difference in teacher and Murshid adding that teacher always taught his students to explore the things and conduct research to get new inventions but Murshid always taught not to doubt whatever he was told. He highlighted the three aspects of Sufism, which according to him are philosophical, psychological and social. Jami Chandio said that tolerance and inter-faith harmony were two basic tenets of Sufism which, if followed religiously, will wipe out extremism and bigotry running high among today's youth.
Sindh University Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Fateh Muhammad Burfat said mysticism changed the lives of people by identifying human deficiencies adding Sub-Continent remained Islam's hot-bed. He spoke about the role of Sufis in Sindh. "We should respect other religions for inter- faith harmony," he said and added that intolerance was not capable of solving problems. "There is a need to study life of Sufis and conduct research for the promotion of their message", he said and added that the aim of organizing the seminar was to discuss the issues of society from the perspective of intolerance and extremism.
The Director Institute of Sindhology Dr Ishaque Samejo said that Sufis tried to please Allah Almighty through prayers and mediation. He further said that Sufis played a key role in spreading the message of Islam and especially in the Sub-Continent, they played an active role in promotion of love and brother hood adding that mysticism preached Sufism.
Among others young columnist Izhar Soomro, Dr Abdul Ghafoor Memon, PVC SU Naushehroferoze campus Muhammad Nawaz Narejo, Engr. Sajjad Hussain Shah, Ghulam Nabi Kaka, Saif Samejo, Dr Rafique Memon, Faheem Noonari, Roshan Birhmani Idrees Jatoi, Muhammad Ali Deeplai, Dr Jamshed Baloch and Asghar Burfat.

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