AJK PM urges OIC to take up Kashmir issue

12 Jul, 2017

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Farooq Haider Khan has called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to take up the Kashmir Issue in the United Nations. He urged the OIC to take immediate steps for imposing economic blockade against India on the charges of massively indulging in the ever rising human rights violations in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
Addressing the meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu Kashmir at Abidjan, Republic of Ivory Coast, Farooq paid tribute to the people of Occupied Jammu & Kashmir for rendering unmatched sacrifices in the struggle against Indian occupation. The prime minister is heading an AJK delegation comprising Minister for Education Barrister Iftikhar Gillani and others to attend the ongoing OIC Contact Group moot, according to a message received here Tuesday evening.
Farooq Haider strongly deplored the continued terrorism by India in the Occupied Jammu & Kashmir and noted that the unresolved Kashmir dispute continued to threaten the peace and security of the region. He emphasized that the conflict could only be resolved in accordance with the aspirations of Kashmiri people and the United Nations (UN) Security Council resolutions.
He further said no one could accept the attempts of associating Kashmiris with terrorism. He underscored that the OIC would continue to express concern over the gross human rights violations in the Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. He said India had been using a typical Israeli strategy to suppress the ongoing liberation struggle in Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
"We appeal to OIC, the amalgamation of 57 Islamic member states, to take up deteriorating human rights violations situation at United Nations and also take step for the economic boycott of New Delhi to put pressure on India for the solution of Kashmir dispute according to UN resolutions. He also condemned the designating Hizb ul Mujahideen commander Syed Salah ud Din as a global terrorist by United States.

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