Upgradation, methodology of financing ML I discussed

12 Jul, 2017

A meeting was held in Ministry of Railways between Khawaja Saad Rafique, Federal Minister for Railways and Li Xuedoung, DG National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China, according to a press release issued here on Tuesday. A delegation from Beijing based National Railway Administration (NRA) was also present. The agenda of the meeting was to focus on implementation of up gradation of ML I and methodology of financing.
During the meeting Li Xuedoung said that work on CPEC projects had seen positive progress over the past three years. The ML I up-gradation plan joining Peshawar to Karachi formed a significant part of CPEC's improvement and it would benefit people especially along the route and contribute to economic and social development of Pakistan. ML I is Key priority on the working agenda and NDRC takes a complete view of the venture which is a huge up-gradation project, he added. He said that NDRC would make its due contribution to CPEC's development. According to Kh. Saad Rafique, ML I project will engender employment. It will also speed up the development in the Country.
NDRC and NRA is helping Pakistan Railways in rehabilitation/improvement of existing track that will follow the existing alignment except at locations where sharp curves are to be eased out or eliminated to allow higher speed up to 140 Km/h. This delegation will inspect sections of Lahore-Multan and Lahore- Rawalpindi lines.
Meanwhile a meeting was held between Pakistan Railways, Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and ECO Trade and Development Bank (ECO-TDB) on Tuesday in Islamabad. The main aim was to discuss possibility of financing infrastructure projects along the Pakistani section of Islamabad-Tehran -Istanbul (ITI) route .One of the proposed projects is the restoration/up gradation of Quetta-Taftan Railway Track (612 km).Kh. Saad Rafique mentioned that this initiative can open a new era for Pakistan Railways as Quetta Taftan is an important section.
Javed Aslam, President of ECO TDB, Ahsan Mangi, Deputy Secretary General Eco, Abid, Secretary Programming IDB and senior officials from Pakistan Railways were also present in the meeting. Quetta-Taftan Railway Line, also referred as Main Line 4 or ML-4, begins from Quetta and ends at Koh-e-Taftan. There are 23 railway stations from Quetta to Koh-e-Taftan. The line then crosses into Iran and extends to Zahedan.-PR

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