World Population Day: balance between population, resources imperative: minister

12 Jul, 2017

Provincial minister for minorities and human rights, Khalil Tahir Sindhu, has said that balance between the population and resources was imperative for the durable development and progress therefore everyone should collectively strive to overcome the challenges and proactively try to curb rampant population growth.
Tahir Khalil was addressing a seminar jointly organized by District Population Welfare Department and Faisalabad Arts Council on the eve of World Population Day here at Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Auditorium. Provincial Minister for Minorities & Human Rights said that under the leadership of CM Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif, the Punjab government was following comprehensive policies for the success of population welfare program. However people should seriously think about the importance of small family whereas population explosion the nation confronts due to the unchecked growth of population and depleting resources is devastating for our country and society. He said rapidly increasing population was swallowing the available resources and we should consciously follow the population welfare program to overcome the problems of education, health and employment. He said having a small family could go a long way in guaranteeing prosperity. Minister said observance of World Population Day demands us to control the population by highlighting the importance and significance of small family. He appreciated the steps and efforts of District Population Welfare Department and vowed to expand the population welfare program in the coming days.
Additional Commissioner Coordination Khadim Hussain Jilani stressed upon maintaining mother and child health by following the population welfare program. He said it was prerequisite to invest for the good health and education of the daughters for the welfare of future generations and prosperity of the society. Physiologist Professor Dr Imtiaz Ahmad Dogar highlighted the importance of family planning, empowerment of the society and development of nation. He appreciated the step of conducting an awareness seminar regarding population welfare program. Resident Director Arts Council Tariq Javed, Maulana Ahmad Yar Sialvi, founder of Ummul Madaras School Hafiz Khubeeb, Dr Atia Rehman and others also spoke on the occasion.
Earlier DO Population Welfare, Dr Farkhanda Almas, gave details of departmental performance and informed the participants of the seminar that awareness programmes had been arranged with the cooperation of clerics, teachers, homeopathic doctors, beauticians, media and other segments of the society besides holding medical camps, baby shows and different events of sports for promoting population welfare program.

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