PTI councillors seek vote of no-trust against Karak's Nazim

10 Aug, 2017

Following the presentation of the annual budget for the year 2017-18, the crisis of district government in Karak has further intensified as Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf district councilors along with independent district councilor submitted vote of no confidence application against their own party district Nazim with the secretary district council.
They leveled allegations of corruption on the district Nazim. The three PTI district councilors identified as Azmat Khattak district councilor form Mithakhel union council, Sikandar Azam district councilor from UC Mianki, district councilor from UC Warana Ahmadabad Malik Abdul Wahab, son of advisor to Chief Minister on prisons affairs Malik Qasim Khan Khattak and one independent district councilor from UC Takht-i-Nusrati Abdus Saeed Khattak submitted their application of vote of no confidence against the setting district Nazim Dr Umer Daraz Khattak.
They presented 21 points charge sheet against the district Nazim and claimed that the district Nazim was involved in the misuse of corruption. They alleged that district Nazim consumed the funds of Annual Developmental Program (ADP) for the fiscal year 2016-17 without the approval of the district council. They claimed that they have already moved the case of misappropriation of funds of the ADP 2016-17 to local council board Peshawar for taking appropriate action against the district Nazim.
They also leveled allegations of corruption against the district Nazim in the funds and added that the district councilors have no say in the district council. They claimed that they have not been consulted in the preparation of annual budget for the fiscal year 2017-18 and also they have been kept deprived of the funds. They said that the funds were given to few blue eyed district councilors.
In this regard secretary district council and Assistant Director local government Mujahid Khattak informed the local media persons that with the signatures of PTI's three district councilors and one independent councilor application of vote of no confidence has been submitted with him against the district Nazim on August 7, afternoon but they have raised few reservations on the application. He elaborated that the application was on plain paper not on the letter head and the membership cards of the district councilors and their Identity cards were not attached with the application. He said when the councilors completed the requirements then the meeting of the district council would be called for the vote of no confidence.

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