Elders of Khyber Agency seek permission to constitute 'Shalgoon Force'

10 Aug, 2017

Tribal elders of Bara tehsil of Khyber Agency have sought permission from political administration for formation of "Shalgoon Force" which will make efforts for sustainable peace and resolution of issues. "Shalgoon" is a force derived from the number twenty is a traditional sword-holding youth force which work for maintenance of peace and resolution of issues and disputes among local tribal.
A local jirga comprised of elders of Shalobar, Kamarkhel, Barqambarkhel, Akakhel, Malakdinkhel, Zakhakhel and other tribes on Tuesday held meeting with Assistant Political Agent Muhammad Arshad Afridi. The jirga demanded of the Assistant Political Agent to allow the tribal to constitute "Shalgoon Force" to work for peace in the area.
The jirga members said that APA told them that he would discuss the formation of "Shalgoon Force" with the security forces. They said the APA has assured them that formation of the force would be allowed in consultation of security forces.
Meanwhile, the prolonged power outages have caused an acute shortage of drinking water in Jamrud tehsil of Khyber Agency, local people complained. The local people complained that construction work on Jamrud Grid Station is underway with very sluggish pace. They said that heavy load shedding is continued in Shahkas, Soorkamar, Rekalay, Ghariza, Warmando Mela and Toda Mela areas and sizzling summer put the lives of local people in trouble. The tribal people said the women and children fetch water from far flung areas and some people also consume muddy water of streams due to which there is fear about outbreak of water-borne diseases in the area. They said that due to heavy loadshedding, the area residents are compelled to bring drinking water from far flung areas.

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