Safe Roads & Safe City under CPEC UET, Tsinghua University sign MoU

10 Aug, 2017

University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Peshawar and Institute of Public Safety Research (IPSR), Tsinghua University, Beijing China have signed a memorandum of understanding on mutually agreed projects related to public safety along the CPEC route through Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region. Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr Iftikhar Hussain and Assistant Dean IPSR Professor Jianguo Chen signed the agreement, according to press statement issued by the university here on Wednesday.
Talking to the delegation, Dr Iftikhar Hussain said, UET Peshawar has signed the agreement with Tisingua University, known as "China's MIT", the top school in the world for engineering research, according to a new U.S. News & World Report ranking. He said, UET will be signing several agreements with other leading universities and institutions of China which will result in economic development of KP in particular, and region in general, through investment in education. He said that all projects of Higher Education under the CPEC framework will be governed by the Government of KP rules and regulations.
Dr Gul Muhammad, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and project focal person said, UET Peshawar had the idea of "Safe Roads and Safe City along the CPEC route" during the China Road Show held in April, 2016 because this project was of paramount importance regarding provision of peaceful atmosphere to the people from both Pakistan and China.
He said that approval on safe roads and safe city project has been sought from the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and now its feasibility study is in progress. The project will be jointly carried out by the experts of both universities which will ensure end-to-end monitoring system through CPEC route; installing safety points; 24/7 tracking of vehicles, and strong signal processing system.
The meeting besides others was attended by Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean, Faculty of Engineering, UET Peshawar Professor Dr Noor Muhammad, Registrar Khizar Azam, Director ORIC, Dr Abdul Shakoor, Kashif Rehan, Focal Person of CPEC projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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