Railways seek foolproof security for Azadi Train

10 Aug, 2017

Pakistan Railways has sought help from Pakistan Rangers, FC, Police and Punjab police to ensure foolproof security of "Azadi Train" starting from august 14. Police Commandos will be deployed and SP level officers will also be deputed in the trains.
It was decided in the high level meeting of Pakistan Railway Police held here on Wednesday at Railway Police Headquarter. Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Railways police Shariq Jamal has requested to the concern authority to write letters to Inspector General of Frontier core (FC), Director General of Pakistan Rangers and Inspector General of Punjab Police to seek help and security official for the protection of passengers of the Azadi Train.
It was decided that Azadi Train will have to get clearance certificate from bomb deposal before crossing the sensitive areas. It was also decided to provide modern security gadgets and latest weapons to the police. It is pertinent to mention here that Pakistan Railways has finalized preparations for Special Azadi Train to start its journey August 14 and cover thousands of kilometers long journeys across the country.
It is pertinent to mention here that like previous years, the Azadi Train would travel across the country on the occasion of Independence Day. It is special this because of the 70th Independence Day. The Special Azadi Train would highlight the Freedom Movement, sacrifices of armed forces for the defence of the country and cultural heritage of all the regions of Pakistan, officials of Rawalpindi Carriage Factory said. They said that more than 100 people were working to finalize models of different cultures of Pakistan by August 11.

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