Dr Pfau dies

11 Aug, 2017

Dr Ruth Pfau, Pakistan's "Mother Teresa," passed away on Thursday after long illness at a private hospital. She was 86. Ms Pfau was a German doctor and num who for more than 50 years dedicated her life to eradication of leprosy in Pakistan. Back in 1960 it was for the first time that she saw leprosy on a visit to Pakistan. After a trip to Germany she returned to establish clinics in many parts of the country. It was due to her efforts that in 1996 the World Health Organization declared Pakistan free of leprosy.
"Pfau may have been born in Germany; her heart was always in Pakistan," Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said in a statement of condolence. Recognized globally for her services, she received numerous awards and degrees. The Government of Pakistan bestowed her with Sitara-e-Pakistan, Hilal-e-Pakistan and Hilal-e-Imtiaz for her contributions. Her funeral services will take place on August 19 at Saint Petrick's Cathedral. She will be laid to rest at Christian Cemetery. "Our Mother Teresa left us for her heavenly abode," Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah remarked on a visit to the Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre in the evening.

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