Spurious drugs: DC for making operation result-oriented

12 Aug, 2017

Deputy Commissioner Salman Ghani ordered for making the operation against the spurious drugs result oriented and warned the Drug Inspectors for stern departmental action in case of poor performance regarding eradication of sale and produce of fake medicines. He was presiding over a meeting of District Quality.
Control Board in which the reports of the Drug Inspectors regarding the action against the medical stores were reviewed. The board decided to refer 26 cases against medical stores to the Drug Court on charge of sale of medicines without Drug License and other relevant record. The board directed to lodge FIRs against the owners of three medical stores involved in grave violations of Drug Control Act while cancellation of Drug License of two medical stores was recommended to Licensing Authority. Three cases against the medical stores and illegal medical clinics were adjourned for want of necessary record. The Deputy Commissioner advised the local health department to raise their quality of services and said that special efforts be made to unearth the illegal business of fake and spurious drugs. He said that campaign against the quacks is made successful and the illegal clinics of the unqualified and self made orthopedics be checked specially to save the human life from the quacks.
The Deputy Commissioner directed the Drug Inspectors to pursue case against the drug mafia before the courts effectively to taken them into the logic end.

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