KP and Fata: elaborate plan chalked out to celebrate Independence Day

13 Aug, 2017

Preparations for Independence Day celebrations have reached their peak in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Federally Administered Tribal Areas as different political, social and literary organizations finalized its plan to hold ceremonies, rallies, and functions to mark the day in a befitting manner.
As just a day left to the mark the 70th Independence Day, a hustle and bustle was witnessed in provincial capital Peshawar, wherein the children were seen busy in selecting different size of flags, stickers, badges and buntings with many designs in different markets and shops to celebrate the day with national passion.
A sea of national flags was being witnessed in all the cities, villages, markets and towns of KP and Fata where people were hoisting national flags on their houses and vehicles to express their love for the country. It was witnessed that a huge rush of kids were seen at makeshift stalls, selling national flag, buntings, posters stickers and candles at historic Qissa Khawani, Ghanta ghar, Saddar bazaar and other markets.
Cars, motorcycles, buildings of government departments and other institutions, decorated with flags and buntings. The business of these items at all big stores as well as roadside vendors which started on August 1 has now reached its peak, which shows the zeal of people belonging to all ages. On August 14, special prayers will be offered for the prosperity, integrity and solidarity of the country and unity of the Muslim Ummah.
On the other hand, it was observed that prices of flags, pictures of national heroes and other stuff like badges are out of reach of common man, however some will buy and some will pray that prices go down in this regard. Printers and makers of bindings, flags, banners and badges are fully engaged in their business. They are also making arrangements to dispatch these items to other areas of the country to meet demand of people. The most enthusiastic are children who are busy collecting stickers, badges and also beautifying their bicycles with special stickers inscribed with messages of Independence Day.
In Peshawar, Jashan-e-Azadi preparation is gaining momentum as the vendors have set up stalls for the sale of colourful buntings, national flags, banners and picture of national heroes. National songs are in the air giving the message that the whole nation is united.
The national flag will be hoisted at important buildings to celebrate the day in a befitting manner. Printers and makers of bindings, flags, banners and badges are fully engaged in their business. They are also making arrangements to dispatch these items to other areas of the country to meet growing demand. National songs are in the air, which gives the message that whole the nation is united and tidy. The national flag will be hoisted at the important buildings to celebrate the day with befitting manners.
Sweets will be distributed among the poor. Special prizes will be awarded to those who decorate and illuminate their building at best. The people, especially the children are enthusiastically purchasing national flags, buntings, posters, stickers and candles, most of them have decorated their homes and vehicles.

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