Loss of lives in quake: Pakistan stands by China at time of grief: PM

13 Aug, 2017

Pakistan stands by the people of China at time of their grief, said Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi in his message of condolence on loss of precious lives in wake of August 8-9 earthquake in China. The message sent to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, said the government and the people of Pakistan stood shoulder to shoulder with their brothers and sisters in China in this hour of grief.
He expressed the confidence that the brave Chinese people would overcome the tragedy with their customary resilience and fortitude. Meanwhile, a group of Pakistani businessmen living in Shaoxing's Keqiao district on Friday voluntarily donated blood for the injured of recent earthquake that hit Jiuzhaigou county in China's Sichuan province.
"We all immediately decided and rolled up our sleeves to donate blood to the injured soon after hearing news of earthquake in Sichuan province," Abdullah Afridi, organizer of the blood donation campaign said. He said the Pakistani businessmen had voluntarily been participating in blood donation campaign with great enthusiasm in the past. "

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