1320 megawatts coal-fired power plant: Navigation Channel project at Port Qasim completed

15 Aug, 2017

The development of Navigation Channel and Construction of Coal Unloading Jetty for the 1320MW Coal Fired Power Plant at Port Qasim has been completed. The Navigation Channel can handle coal ships up to 50,000 DWT. According to design, the length of Channel is 4.0 km and width is 150 meters.
The handing/taking over of Navigation Channel was held at a ceremony held at Port Qasim Power Electric Power Company in presence of Chairman Port Qasim Authority, Agha Jan Akhtar and officials of PQEPC. A 1320MW Coal-Fired Power Plant is under construction at Port Qasim to meet power shortage in the country. This power plant is being set up by M/s Port Qasim Electric Power Company (PQEPC). The first unit of 660MW will be commissioned in November 2017 whereas the second unit of same capacity will be operational by March 2018. Thus, the total 1320MW capacity will be available in the first quarter of 2018.
The power plant is a part of energy projects which falls under the fast-track "Early Harvest" program. This mega project of immense value for Pakistan has achieved all its milestones as per the schedule or ahead of the schedule, since commencement of construction in May 2015.
The Port Qasim is currently catering more than 42 percent of seaborne trade requirements of the country. It is primarily a service oriented port operating under landlord concept. As per plan envisaged in 2013, five private sector projects were to be established at Port Qasim by 2017. Two projects namely EETPL-LNG Terminal and PIBT Coal, Clinker & Cement Terminal have already been commissioned and three projects such as 2nd LNG Terminal by M/s PGPC, 1320MW Coal Fired Power Plant by M/s Port Qasim Electric Power Company and dedicated Coal Terminal at MW 3 & 4 by M/s Huaneng Suyun Ports & Shipping will be completed by the end of this year.

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