Peshawar White defeat Kohat in KP Inter-District Football Championship

17 Aug, 2017

Peshawar White defeated strong Kohat in the opening match of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Inter-District Football Championship, which got under way at Qayyum Sports Complex football ground here Wednesday. Director General Sports KP Junaid Khan, former Health Minister KP Syed Zahir Ali Shah graced the occasion as guests and formally inaugurated the Championship wherein top 16 teams from as many district across KP are taking part.
Participation in the District Championship is mandatory for the players and team according to the rules of KP Football Association, Secretary of the association Basit Kamal informed the gathering before the start of the opening match. The players were also introduced to the guests. Peshawar White and Kohat provided great thrill for the large number of spectators present on this occasion. It was Kohat taking lead in the 7th minute when left winger Amir travelled past two defenders and even the onrushing goal-keeper before slamming in a beautiful field goal.
The early lead injected new vigor in the rank of Kohatians as their forwards made some good attacking rallies but this time Peshawar deep defenders and goal-keeper Sajid thwarted as attempts. The match was supervised by FIFA referee Alliuddin while Zahir and Gohar Rehman acted as deputy referees while Qazi Asif was the match commissioner.

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