Balochistan needs attention

22 Aug, 2017

One of the achievements of his four-year rule that the disqualified prime minister Nawaz Sharif cites is what he says improved law and order situation in Balochistan. He is right but only up to an extent. What one can certainly observe in this province is relative peace; the situation is much better what it was during the PPP's five-year tenure or before that. His successor, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, during his visit to Quetta as prime minister has said that his government will continue the projects which were initiated for Balochistan by former prime minister Nawaz Sharif.
According to him, a meeting lasting for two hours was held to review Balochistan security situation and that the security situation in the province has improved significantly. The prime minister must not lose sight of the fact that any complacency on his part would squander away all the gains that the PML-N government has made during its current tenure.

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