PML-N demands 'fair trial'

24 Aug, 2017

The Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) said on Wednesday that 'fair trial' is the right of every citizen including Nawaz Sharif and it is hoped that all requirements of justice would be fulfilled in his case. "We are a responsible political entity and expect that Supreme Court would consider our submissions in sympathetic way," senior PML-N politician Khawaja Saad Rafique said at a news conference at Lahore Press Club on Wednesday. Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah and counsel of Nawaz Sharif Dr Amjad Pervez advocate also spoke on the occasion.
Saad Rafique reiterated that the party had reservations over verdict of apex court as well as the JIT report in Panama case but it accepted the verdict. "The Joint Investigation Team discriminated against Nawaz Sharif and his family. The JIT was being controlled by someone else instead of Wajid Zia," he said.
He said despite serious reservations starting from WhatsApp messages, picture leakage and the Supreme Court's decision of disqualifying Nawaz Sharif, they accepted the court's decision. He reiterated that Nawaz was disqualified for not disclosing a salary that he never received. "Our point of view was heard but it wasn't mulled over," Rafique said.
According to him, the decision had caused harm to the country apart from creating controversy. "We request the honourable court to hear review petition and provide us the justice." Saad Rafique denied the impression that Nawaz and his family were unwilling to appear before the NAB. Despite reservations over the process, Nawaz immediately quit the office of the Prime Minister, he said. "We have national obligations and respect the law and constitution."
He said the PML-N will continue to question why Nawaz and his family were being discriminated. "Our reservations must be given due attention. The PML-N doesn't have any difference with any institution as we are fighting for justice only," he said.
Advocate Amjad Pervez said on the occasion that as per decision of apex court dated July 28, 2017, no further inquiry of Panama verdict is required. Under the NAB Ordinance, there is a due process before filing a reference which include filing of a complaint with the NAB, complaint verification procedure, recording of complainant's statement, approval by the executive board for authorization of inquiry and up grade of investigations; but in the case of Nawaz Sharif and his family, due process provided under the law has not been followed. He further said that the aggrieved party has the right to approach the court of law at every level but the NAB in this case is going to file references without adopting the due process. He stated that the Sharif family has responded each and every notice through their counsel which they received from the NAB.
PML-N leader Rana Sanaullah maintained that when the decision regarding ongoing investigation had already been made, what would be the use of appearing before the NAB. "The NAB was declared as a dead organization. It was even buried, but now it is being dubbed as a credible organisation," he wondered.
He said the JIT members and their report were much praised but, according to him, Wajid Zia is an officer of ordinary competence who had not even investigated a dispute of a husband and wife throughout his career. "The PML-N expects that justice should not only be done but seems to be done," Rana said. "We have decided to bring facts into notice of the people of Pakistan."
Earlier, Nawaz chaired a meeting at his Raiwind residence which mulled over the situation arising out after NAB preparedness for filing of references against Nawaz Sharif and his family members.
Sindh Governor Mohammad Zubair, Federal Ministers Zahid Hamid, Saad Rafique and Danial Aziz, Senator Pervez Rashid, Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah, former premier's lawyer Khawaja Harris and Dr Amjad Pervez advocate among others, attended the meeting. Zahid Hamid said that provision of constitution under which Nawaz Sharif was disqualified does not provide as to how long a lawmaker should remain disqualified.
The PML-N has called for a "grand national dialogue" for amendments in the constitution, while political parties, including the Pakistan People's Party, have ruled out any immediate support to the PML-N.

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