PC Ordinance, 2000: Senate panel on legislation reviews Bhinder's petition

24 Aug, 2017

The Senate Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation on Wednesday reviewed the public petition related to regulations No. 3, 4 and 14 of the Privatisation Commission Ordinance, 2000 which are deemed to be ultra vires of the said basic ordinance. The committee which met with Senator Taj Haider in the chair took up the public petition of Chaudhry Muhammad Anwar Bhinder related to regulations No. 3, 4 and 14 of the Privatisation Commission Ordinance, 2000.
Bhinder said that Privatisation Commission is a supreme body, but unfortunately the chairman and the board of the commission are using the powers of the Commission. As per law, the commission is supreme and the board can not use the commission power, he added.
He said that the powers of the commission were mentioned in section 5, powers of the chairman in section 6 and powers of board are mentioned in section 7 of the ordinance. Senator Kalsoom Perveen said the rules which are against the act should be abolished. The committee observed that the act is very clear about the role of commission, but there is ambiguity in rules which should be rectified.
A senior official of the Privatisation Commission told the committee that minister of Privation Commission will be appointed very soon and all these issues will be resolved accordingly. The committee also reviewed public petition regarding National Savings. The director general Central Directorate of National Savings told the committee that the Directorate can give Rs 500,000 to person nominated by the deceased and submission of inheritance certification is mandatory for receiving money.
The meeting was also attended by Senators Syed Muzafar Hussain Shah, Muhammad Azam Khan Swati and Muhammad Daud Khan Achakzai and senior officials of departments concerned.

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