Irregularities worth Rs 595 billions detected in NHA accounts

24 Aug, 2017

The Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) Wednesday unearthed irregularities, instances of non-compliance and internal control weaknesses of about Rs 595 billion in the accounts of National Highways Authority (NHA). The audit report on the accounts of NHA for audit year 2016-17 observed 52 cases involving an amount of around Rs 470 billion, where irregular award of contracts, violation of PPRA rules and unauthorised expenditures were observed.
The AGP in its report pointed out 102 cases of internal control weaknesses, which involved irregularities/losses of around Rs 120 billion. The audit report pointed out seven cases of poor performance including mismanagement, undue burden on national exchequer and inefficient utilisation which caused Rs 7 billion to the national exchequer. The report noted that saving of Rs 41.246 billion ie 43.14 percent of total releases under PSDP/development budget was observed, which showed that the development targets set for the year 2015-16 were not achieved by the NHA.
The audit report pointed out that irregular award of contract at higher rates caused Rs 166.174 billion loss; irregular award of contract in violation of PPRA rules and bidding documents, Rs 148.654 billion; issuance of works beyond the financial capacity /limit of the insurance companies, Rs 39.522 billion; irregular award of works, Rs 18.526 billion; irregular acceptance of non-responsive bid, Rs 17.18 billion; irregular award of works without revision of PC-1, Rs 16.373 billion; irregular payment of mobilization advance due to non-obtaining of required insurance, Rs 14.865 billion; and irregular enhancement in previous agreement, Rs 3.005 billion.
The report stated that a loss of Rs 4.4 billion was caused due to late start and non-completion of project; abnormal delay in completion of flyover project and ineffective site supervision, Rs 150 million; and extra burden of Rs 2.6 billion was faced by national exchequer due to non-completion of project in stipulated time period.
The AGP report pointed out non-recovery of income tax of Rs 3.155 billion, non-recovery of NHA dues of Rs 3.086 billion on account of toll revenue and unjustified extra expenditure of Rs 1.1 billion due to non-adoption of economical design of the project. The audit report recommended that internal controls be strengthened to ensure that irregularities are pre-empted, fact-finding inquiries and disciplinary actions be initiated to fix responsibility in respect of cases, involving overpayments, losses and irregular expenditure. Further PPRA rules 2004 should be adhered to in true letter and spirit while making procurement of goods, services and works.

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