In Bridge, communication is very important, both in bidding as well as in the play of the hand. The same goes for the defenders who need to keep the flow going. That is why the name of the game is known as "Bridge" for it is the bridge between the two partners on each direction which needs to be kept intact for achieving success. Let us now put this in practice by illustrations taken from actual play. West east land in a contract of 4S on the following hand:
The opening lead is the QC-a devastating lead that ensure that if declarer loses the lead, he loses the contract if the red finesses don't work favorably. For with 9 solid tricks -6 in trumps, besides the 3 red honors, all that declarer needs is to ensure the 10th trick for his contact of 4S. Put yourself in his shoes and plan your next move? Suppose the clubs don't work, declarer would next try the either of the red finesse hoping one of them would ultimately succeed. The vital question is can you do better to ensure your contract of 4S. What in yourmind should be the key play?
Yes, do not cover the QC with the KC hoping north has under led the ace. defender with a little Bridge sense even would under lead from the ace in a suit contract. So the AC surely lies with south and your first move should be to luck the QC. Why? Because firstly if north continues with clubs, south is in a position initially to play trumps but when the heart finesse fails after knocking out trumps, south will be helplessly end played looking to dummy's tenaces in the red suits. Of course, if north is a keen defender, he will at worst for the declarer switch to a heart. In that case what is your move? Again, the safety play lies in going up with the AH first to draw trumps and then throw south in again with the KC to his ace end playing him again. In either case your 4S contract is fully ensured by the farsighted play of ducking the QC.
Let us now come to our second illustration where west east land in a contract of 3NT on the following hand:
Here again, the lead of 5H by north plucks prematurely a vital entry from the dummy. As the cards lie, counting yourwinners, you can see that declarer has 3 solid spade tricks, 2 red aces and one trick in clubs making a tally of 6 tricks. For 3 more he needs to fall back on his long club suit and make it worth 4 tricks at least instead of the apparent 1 trick.
As declarer how would you go about it? Of course you can easily add a trick in hearts and a diamond finesse can also give you a trick or two. But by far the best hope lies in clubs establishing clubs in a manners where it can run freely. Here you realize the importance of keeping communications open between the two hands. Now suppose you win the QS and lead a club to the QC in dummy and it wins. This will make you move back to hand with another spade to lead towards dummy's clubs. Here again unless the KC wins, you will not be able to enforce the club tricks, for south holding AXX in clubs will win the second time you lead clubs, killing your honors in dummy to return the master club in hand. With only one entry in dummy, declarer will be unable to set up the clubs. Do you see the vital play of keeping the Bridge flow going? Yes, play club from both ends at trick 2 to reap the clubs. Now the club suit cannot be stopped from getting established-all because of keeping communications open.
West East
A K Q J 10 9 7 6 3 2
5 2 A Q 10 3
7 6 5 A K 3
7 6 K 10
West East
A K Q J 1 0 9
Q J 9 3 2 A
10 8 6 5 A Q 2
7 2 K Q 6 5 4 3