Conformity Assessment Standards on Halaal: PSQCA's technical body holds third meeting

30 Sep, 2017

Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority's (PSQCA), Standards development Centre has conducted 3rd Technical Committee meeting on Conformity Assessment Standards on Halaal under Halaal Division.
The meeting was chaired by Mufti Muhammad Najeeb Khan, wherein draft "Pakistan Standard - Guidelines for settling disputes over analytical (test) results" was discussed in detail and approved for finalization subject to certain amendment/changes. These guidelines will provide guidance to governments on the procedures to resolve disputes which arise between food control authorities about the status of a food including Halaal consignment, when the assessment based on test results made in the importing country disagrees with the assessment made by the exporting country on the same lot. Further these guidelines only address disputes related to methods of analysis or laboratory performance and do not address questions of sampling. The procedure examines only the validity of the importing country's results on which non-compliance is alleged. It is recognized that disputes may arise from other cause(s), which should also be investigated including the Halaal Testing. In the meeting scientists, food technologists, industry, certification bodies, Islamic scholars, consultants, consumers and testing authorities have shared their views and contributed sincerely towards one of the most important areas of standardization.
The aforementioned Technical Committee on Conformity Assessment Standards on Halaal will also act as Mirror committee for OIC/SMIIC Committee on Conformity Assessment Standards on Halaal in order to reduce the technical barriers to trade.-PR

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