Attock Refinery Limited posted Rs 758.046 million as profit after tax in the quarter ended September 30, 2017 as compared to Rs 1,227.987 million earned in the corresponding period in 2016. The board of directors of the company in its meeting held on Thursday at Rawalpindi announced that the company's earning per share stood at Rs 8.89 in the period under review against Rs 14.39 in the same period last year.
According to the financial results sent to Pakistan Stock Exchange, the company's gross sales increased to Rs 39.598 billion in this quarter against Rs 27.870 in the same period last year. The company paid Rs 12.198 billion in account of sales tax in this quarter against Rs 7.024 billion paid in the same account in corresponding period last year. The company's cost of sales increased to Rs 26.118 billion in this quarter against Rs 20.690 billion in the same quarter last year. The company's profit before taxation from refinery operations increased to Rs 1,076.509 million in this quarter against Rs 109.799 million in the same period last year.