Turkish police have detained businessman and leading civil society activist Osman Kavala, reports and his lawyer said Thursday, raising fresh alarm over freedom of expression under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Kavala was detained at Istanbul's Ataturk airport after flying in from the southern city of Gaziantep, the Dogan news agency said.
His lawyer Ferat Cagil told AFP that Kavala was apprehended immediately after the flight landed late Wednesday and has been remanded in custody for seven days ahead of a court hearing. Cagil said it was unclear what his client was accused of. "The case is confidential. Whatever is said would be speculative now. We will find out when he testifies," he said.
Kavala is chairman of the Anadolu Kultur (Anatolian Culture) NGO which aims to overcome differences within Turkish society especially through culture and the arts. It has a focus on cultural collaboration with Europe, supporting joint projects between cities and co-producing initiatives ranging from theatre to magazines.
"France, like other European countries, cooperates regularly with Mr Kavala, who is a frequent point of contact for our embassy," said French foreign ministry spokeswoman Agnes Romatet-Espagne.