Cuba unveils Jose Marti statue, a gift from Trump's hometown

22 Oct, 2017

Cuba unveiled a replica of a New York statue of independence hero Jose Marti on Friday, putting a gift from the hometown of US President Donald Trump on public display at a time of heightened US-Cuba tensions. The equestrian statue depicts Marti moments before his death in a cavalry charge in 1895, during the fight against Spanish colonial rule.
The original, sculpted by US artist Anna Hyatt, has stood for decades at the south en_trance to New York City's Central Park, not far from the gleaming Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. After former US President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announced a detente in 2014, the Bronx Museum of the Arts decided to gather donations to make a copy of the sculpture as a gift for Havana.
The goal was "to strengthen the bridge between our two countries," the museum said. Marti, a poet and political essayist, was living in New York at the time he drew up plans for an invasion of Cuba as part of the rebellion against Spain. The nearly 19-foot (6-meter) tall statue was just delivered from the United States two weeks ago, after a series of setbacks in the normalization of relations between the old Cold War foes.
The Republican Trump imposed new restrictions on travel and trade with the Communist-run island in June, as he disparaged what he called his Democratic predecessor's "terrible and misguided" policy toward Cuba. Since August tensions between the two countries have deteriorated further, over a series of alleged attacks affecting the health of US diplomats in Havana.

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