Dr Ziauddin Hospital marks 'World Stroke Day'

25 Oct, 2017

Dr Ziauddin Hospital (DZH), in a bid to save people from disability held a seminar to mark 'World Stroke Day' in North Nazimabad campus where the prominent speakers informed how to identify and treat the Stroke Risk Factors. Dr Aijaz Fatima, Founder of Dr Ziauddin Hospital inaugurated the event as a guest of honour. In her inaugural address Dr Aijaz Fatima mentioned that supporting stroke patients is very important call of time.
The day marks and raises the awareness of the prevention and treatment, to ensure a better care and support for those fighting with stroke.
Dr Bashir A Soomro, Consultant Neurologist & Head of Department Neurology & Neurophysiology, DZH in his speech disclosed that Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability and can present at any age if risk factors are present. Ischemic strokes are more prevalent than Haemorrhagic strokes. Male are affected twice as commonly as the females. Screening for risk factors is the mainstay of primary prevention. Total number of Stroke cases admitted during September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017 included 19 percent patients of Ischemic Strokes/TIA while remaining 81 percent were of Haemorrhagic Stroke. He pointed out the risk factors as; poorly controlled DM, Hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, IHD/AFib, tobacco use, hyper, homocysteinemia and dyslipidemia.
The panel discussion took the participants to height where all their relevant queries regarding stroke were answered accordingly, thus the full - fledge covering provided every updates on every dimension of stroke, the risk factors and its prevention. The alert signs of stroke were also discussed; FAST - facial drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulties and time to call.-PR

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